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Penis Park ?

From the title, this might sound like im asking if a Korean out there is named Penis Park? as 'Park' is a popular Korean last name. However, Im actually trying to emphasize the total randomness of the topic im about to blog about.

Before we begin, let's take a look at the definition of a 'park'.



-a large public green area in a town, used for recreation.

"a walk around the park"

Now let's look at the definition of a 'penis'.



-the male genital organ of higher vertebrates, carrying the duct for the transfer of sperm during copulation. In humans and most other mammals, it consists largely of erectile tissue and serves also for the elimination of urine.

Never in my life would I have though to put these two words together, in most cases where they have been used in the same sentence, some poor drunked or disgusting pervert has recieved some kind of sentence, the kind with time behind bars or a heafty fine. Looking at the definitions above I can't help but wonder what kind of recreation I could participate in, should a Penis Park exist, to be honest, it sounds a bit like something from the free loving days of the 70s era.

Fortunately I was not left to my imagination for long, because shortly after we had heard about the 'Penis Park'; we were enlightened that it was just a short drive up the east coast from our new home town, Uljin. Penis Park was now in our grasp and so, we set off on a Saturday afternoon to make the most of it before catching a movie near Samcheok. Haesindang Park, nicknamed Penis Park by the foreigners who have visited the green public area for recreational reasons, is set on a rocky outcrop above an old fishing port in a really small Korean fishing town.

The park entrance begins at the bottom closest to the port, from here one climbs along its detailed walk ways higher and higher, all the while surronded by large artistic phallic sculptures. Sculptures carved from tree trunks, sculptures chizzled from stoned and marble, sculptures made of concrete, in all the shapes and sizes one could possibly fathom, there were even a few that were interestingly personified. I'm sure I recall a penis riding another penis. Artists have gone penis crazy, and these phallic monuments in turn were driving the Korean tour groups passing through a little crazy too. There were naughty girl giggles and high pitched akward laughter, strokes and pokes, sculptures being hugged and others being climbed on. It was a stone throw away from being at a weird sex convention.

This was definitely an interesting way to spend the afternoon, it was far more memorable than the movie we watched afterwards, I don't recall what it was. The park and it's huge phallic statues have left a lasting impression, more than this the actual story behind the birth of the park was a Korean tale I would not easily forget.

It is said, that a long time ago in a small fishing village, lived a beautiful young virgin and her newly engaged fiance. One sunny day, the young virgin was rowed out to a nearby island to collect seaweed for the day, as fishermens' wives do. Her husband returned to the mainland to complete his duties for the day.

But, shortly after returning, the weather changed for the worst and a huge storm struck, proving impossible for the man to rescue his betrothed.

The storm ending with the tragic death of the young maiden, as she was swallowed by the merciless sea. The tragedy echoed through the small fishing village in the form of a bountiless catch. Fishing nets remained empty for months after the tragedy. It is said that the men believed it to be the spirit of the dead maiden, angry and haunting the sea.

So WHAT does one do, to please an angry virgin spirit ?

Apparently desperate local fisherman, frustrated by their bountiless catch, then took drastic measures. Taking matters into their own hands (no pun intended), they gave of themselves to the sea, in an attempt to appease the angry virgin spirit.

With this trick undoubtedly working and fish returning , the fisherman coundn't be happier. To keep their good fortrune and the virgin spirit satisfied they began to errect phallic like statues on the hillside overlooking the ocean, and thus Haesindang park was born. It is said, that sometimes one can still find old fisherman taking matters into their own hands and appeasing the virgin spirit along the coastline near the park.

If you ever find yourself near Samcheok, or Pohang even, it would be worth your while to visit the park and be interestingly surprised. Please click - 삼척 해신당공원 for more information on the park.

Here is also a video tour on the park (virtual tour) , pretty well put together, take a look and enjoy. Thanks to 'ROK On!' for the video. Take a look at his youtube channel. His doing some pretty awesome shooting in Korea.

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